Ask us a question?
Questions before surgery
Things you may want to ask us
Being told you need surgery can be daunting.
Throughout the process please ask the health professionals looking after you if anything is unclear. Here are a few questions which you might want to ask:
- What are the main treatment options?
- Who will treat me?
- Where will I be treated?
- How often is this type of treatment used?
- What are the benefits of the different options?
- What are the risks of the different options?
- Do I have any special risks?
- What are the success rates?
- Why do you think the operation is required?
- What do you recommend?
- What are the risks if I decide to do nothing?
- How can I expect to feel after the procedure?
- When am I likely to return to my regular routine?
- Will I need long term care?
- Will I still be able to drive?
- Will it affect my work?
- Will it affect my personal relationships?
- Will I be able to do my favourite hobbies?
- Will I need to change my diet?
- Where can I get more information?
- Is there anyone I can speak to?
Things we may ask you
- What is your general health like?
- How is your emotional wellbeing?
- What pre-existing health problems do you have?
- How do you manage your health at home?
- Is there any family history of major health conditions like heart problems and cancer?
- Who is your GP?
- Have you had surgery before?
- Have you had a blood transfusion before? If you required a transfusion would you be happy for us to give you one?
- Do you have any allergies?
- What medications do you take?
- What is your diet like?
- Do you have any loose teeth or dentures?
- Whether you smoke or drink alcohol
- What is your mobility like?
- Does anyone care for you and what kind of care you require?
- Is there is anything you would not like doing?
Question for the perioperative medicine team?